“Sunny Schools” Solar Rental Stations
A typical viallage community in Malawi has different institutions and structures which are crucial to the basic functioning
and positive development of the community - e.g. CBCCs (community-based childcare centres/preschools) for children up
to 5 years, primary school and health centre (in the village or within the surrounding communities), and different
activities organized by volunteer committees for orphans, elederly people, HIV/AIDS patients, youth, etc.
Most of the village infrastructure and institutions are purely depending on the goodwill and dedication of the people in the
community - and financially on funding from outside, either through persons who have managed to advance their status
(e.g. working in the city now) and remit money to the village for its development, through facilitation by local politicians
from the area, or - in most cases - through non-governmental organizations and foreign donors.
With the solar light rent-out station concept which we are promoting to our government partners, the described problems
of underelectrification and dependence of parrafin in rural communities can be solved while keeping the money for
parrafin etc. in the community and creating sustainable income for the progress of the village infrastructure and
equipment of preschools, health centres etc.