MBAULA - Movement for Bio-energy Advocacy, Utilisation, Learning & Action in Malawi
MBAULA was born during the PCIA/DISCOVER StoveCamp 2012 in Lilongwe as a lose network for producers, project implementers and other interested stakeholders in the field of improved cookstoves and biomass energy in Malawi.Renew’N’Able Malawi is facilitating the network exchange of MBAULA members. Find our introductory presentation here.Currently we are building up a learning & information exchange portalfor MBAULA networkers. Regular newsletters (depending on input from members) are also in planning.
MBAULA Network Founders:
Centre for Environmental Policy & AdvocacyCharles Construction Ltd.Clioma Ltd.Concern UniversalCOOPI DeTAS Ltd.DISCOVER ProjectEva de MayaFOOD and FUELGOAL MalawiHestian Rural Innovation DevelopmentKauma Construction Company Ltd.Malawi Bureau of StandardsMary‘s MealsMuREAMwanawaleza Ltd.National Commission for Science & TechnologyPhukaphuka Ltd.Renew‘N‘Able MalawiSelf-Help AfricaTotal Landcare
To sign up to the network or to submit information you would like to be posted through the MBAULA mailing list and on the info sharing portal, please email to