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FEB 2014 - After various stakeholder consultations and the official launch of the network at the Renewable Energy Private Sector Workshop organized by
WorldBank Climate Change Institute, the DFID Business Innovation Facility (BIF) and RENAMA in September 2013, the network has finally got its own web
presence. With kind support through BIF, CONREMA has been able to engage professional developers to integrate the available data from the past years
of research of RENAMA staff into the CONREMA database. Stakeholders can now register online to become members of the network and share and learn
from information in the Projects Database and the Forum. The Capacity Database provide an oportunity to make the abundant local expertise more visible.
For more CONREMA news, visit
FEB 2014 - The National Cookstove Taskforce is preparing a Roadmap for the National Cookstoves Programm. After preparation of a draft strategy document,
a variety of governmental, civil society and private sector stakeholders from the cookstove sector have been invited to input their suggestions. The roadmap
is meant to define modalities for the attainment of the national target of 2 million cookstoves adopted by 2020. In 2012, Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda
signed Malawi up as a member of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves which established this goal. More bio-energy news under
FEB 2014 - RENAMA has partnered with a UK-based technology and software developing firm with a focus on remote monitoring systems, for a feasibility
study. In 10 different project sites throughout Malawi that use renewable energy technologies for electrification, devices will be equipped with a dedicated
battery monitoring technology and project managers equipped with a web interface which allows them to easily monitor technical performance, usage and
charging patterns, thus helping them to reduce damage and failure and facilitating timely replacements. The pilot will run for 6 months initially, after which
RENAMA will compile a report on the experience with the system for the Department of Energy and energy stakeholder networks to inspire strategic thinking
on how remote renewable energy infrastructure, incl. health centres and schools, can sustainably be managed and maintained at District and national level.
JAN 2014 - The committee and staff at Bvumbwe Energy Kiosk, one of the two sites under the Rural Off-Grid Energy Energy Kiosks pilot project, had the
pleasure to receive Scottish Minister for External Affairs and Int. Development, Humza Yousaf, MSP, during his recent visit to Malawi. Find pictures, videos
and more on the RurEnKi site.
FEB 2014 - RENAMA is currently collabrating with the Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) in setting up a working groups and
facilitating stakeholder inputs for the review of the national Energy Policy, the last version of which stems from 2007.