About Malawi
Blantyre City
Malawi is a small, land-locked country in Sub-Saharan Africa, situated between Tanzania,
Mozambique and Zambia. Measured in figures and statistics, the life of the majority of its
about 13 million inhabitants is not very different from life in other developing countries:
A large majority of people live from less than what they need per day
(if that is the famous “one US$” or more, is left open here, but it would be true either way.)
It really makes you wonder how the people even survive when you look at the price levels for
most basic commodities). The United Nations categorize Malawi among the least developed
and poorest countries of the world. Subsistence farming and informal businesses are the
predominant channels to earn a living, about every fifth person is estimated to be in-fected
with HIV/AIDS (which severely af-fects the rest of the family and the overall economy as well),
and some of the estimated one million orphans will frequently follow you on the street
begging for food, as they can’t all be taken up by their extended families for obvious reasons.
The primary education system, though free of charge since 1994 and under serious reform,
is to date qualitatively bad and heavily overloaded, with more than hundred pupils in a class
being the rule rather than the exception.
Read more... on Malawi’s socio-economic situation
Community information meeting
Lake Malawi
Blantyre City